宗鹏飞,男,1983年生,民盟会员,工学博士,副研究员,硕士研究生导师,best365网页版登录beat365中文官方网站教师。中国核学会会员。近年在ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Journal of Molecular Liquid, Radiochimica Acta, Water Science & Technology, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry等国际著名学术期刊上发表SCI论文15篇;主持国家自然科学基金1项(21401179),参与国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划) 1项;多次受邀参加国际及国内学术会议,并作会议报告。
邮箱:zongpf2000@gmail.com; pfzong@nuc.edu.cn
2017年2月-至今, best365网页版登录beat365中文官方网站,副研究员
2013年8月-2015年5月, 中国核动力研究设计院,助理研究员
[1] Pengfei Zong, Duanlin Cao*, Yuan Cheng*, Hangzhou Zhang, Dadong Shao, Shoufang Wang, Chaohui He, Yaolin Zhao, Functionally reduced graphene oxide supported iron oxides composites as an adsorbent for the immobilization of uranium ions from aqueous solutions. Journal of Molecular Liquid. 240 (2017) 578-588. SCI;2区;IF: 3.648.
[2] Pengfei Zong, Duanlin Cao*, Shoufang Wang, Chaohui He, Yaolin Zhao, Synthesis of Fe3O4/CD magnetic nanocomposite via low temperature plasma technique with high enrichment of Ni(II) from aqueous solution. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 70 (2017) 134–140. SCI;2区;IF: 4.217.
[3] Pengfei Zong, Shoufang Wang, Yaolin Zhao, Hai Wang, Hui Pan, Chaohui He*, Synthesis and application of magnetic graphene/iron oxides composite for the removal of U(VI) from aqueous solutions. Chemical Engineering Journal. 220 (2013) 45–52. SCI;1区;IF: 6.216; 高被引ESI论文.
[4] Pengfei Zong*, Xiaoyong Wu, Jiayuan Gou, Xiaobing Lei, Dengkui Liu, Hui Deng, Immobilization and recovery of uranium(VI) using Na-bentonite from aqueous medium: equilibrium, kinetics and thermodynamics studies. Journal of Molecular Liquid. 209 (2015) 358-366. SCI;2区;IF: 3.648.
[5] Pengfei Zong*, Jiayuan Gou, Rapid and economical synthesis of magnetic multiwalled carbon nanotube/iron oxide composite and its application in preconcentration of U(VI). Journal of Molecular Liquids. 195 (2014) 92-98. SCI;2区;IF: 3.648.
[6] Pengfei Zong, Hui Pan, Hai Wang, Chaohui He*, Investigation of sequestration mechanisms of radionuclide 63Ni(II) on kaolinite in aqueous solutions. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 295 (2013) 405-413. SCI;3区;IF: 1.415.
[7] Pengfei Zong, Hai Wang, Hui Pan, Yaolin Zhao, Chaohui He*, Application of NKF-6 zeolite for the removal of U(VI) from aqueous solution. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 295 (2013) 1969-1979. SCI;3区;IF: 1.415.
[8] Pengfei Zong, Shoufang Wang, Chaohui He*, Synthesis of kaolinite/iron oxide magnetic composites and their use in the removal of Cd(II) from aqueous solutions. Water Science and Technology. 67 (2013) 1642-1649. SCI;4区;IF: 1.212.
[9] Pengfei Zong, Zhiqiang Guo, Chaohui He*, Yaolin Zhao, Shuhuan Liu, Hai Wang, Hui Pan, Impact of environmental conditions on the sequestration of radionuclide 60Co(II) at Ca-rectorite/water interface. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 293 (2012) 289-297. SCI;3区;IF: 1.415.
[10] Shitong Yang, Pengfei Zong, Xuemei Ren, Qi Wang, Xiangke Wang*, Rapid and highly efficient preconcentration of Eu(III) by core−shell structured Fe3O4@humic acid magnetic nanoparticles. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 4 (2012) 6891-6900. SCI;1区;IF: 7.504.
[11] Shitong Yang, Pengfei Zong, Guodong Sheng, Qi Wang, Xiangke Wang*, Fabrication of β-cyclodextrin conjugated magnetic HNT/iron oxide composite for high-efficient decontamination of U(VI). Chemical Engineering Journal. 214 (2013) 376-385. SCI;1区;IF: 6.216.
[12] Shitong Yang, Pengfei Zong, Guodong Sheng, Xuemei Ren, Yang Huang, Xiangke Wang*, New insight into Eu(III) sorption mechanism at alumina/water interface by batch technique and EXAFS analysis. Radiochimica Acta. 102(2014): 143–153. SCI;3区;IF: 1.271.
[13] Yaolin Zhao, Pengfei Zong, Yonghong Li, Kui Li, Xianghai Zhao, Hai Wang, Shuhuan Liu, Yubing Sun, Chaohui He*, Fabrication of oxidized multiwalled carbon nanotubes for the immobilization of U(VI) from aqueous solutions. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 305(2015): 361-369. SCI;3区;IF: 1.415.
[14] Yawen Cai, Xuemei Ren, Yue Lang, Zhiyong Liu, Pengfei Zong, Xiangke Wang,Shitong Yang*, Sequestration and speciation of Eu(III) on gamma alumina: role of temperature and contact order. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. 17 (2015) 1904-1914. SCI;3区;IF: 2.592.
[15] Xianghai Zhao, Yong Luo, Chaohui He, Pengfei Zong, Kai Zhang, Jeremiah Monari Kebwaro, Kui Li, Baofeng Fu, Yaolin Zhao*, Evaluation of permutite for removal of radiocobalt from nuclear wastewater. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 303 (2015) 837-844. SCI;3区;IF: 1.415.
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:等离子体诱导聚苯胺修饰氧化石墨烯复合纳米材料对放射性U(VI)富集性能研究(21401179),主持,结题,25万元
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:碘-129在环境介质中的化学形态与迁移特性研究(A050405),参与,结题,90万元
[3] 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划):利用热堆嬗变长寿命核素技术研究(2009AA050705),参与,结题,63万元