2008.09-2015.06 best365网页版登录军事化学与烟火技术 博士
2000.09-2003.07 山西老员工物化学与分子生物学 硕士
1996.09-2000.07 山西大学微生物专业 学士
2003.08--至今 best365网页版登录 教师
(1) Haibin Wang, Xiaoshuang Zhang. Ni-Co LDH/M-Mo-S(M=Zn,Co and Ni) nanoarrays as efficient water oxidation electrocatalytic materials[J].CrystEngComm, 2021,23:2862-2868.(SCI收录)
(2) Haibin Wang,Ting Gao,Yujuan Zhang.Synthesis of two 3D superamoleculars and their fluoesent sensing for nitroaromatic compounds/Fe3+ ions in aqueous medium[J].Inorganic Chemistry Communications,2020,122:1-6.(SCI收录)
(3) 王海宾,赵英虎,高莉,谭迎新等.甲烷爆炸冲击波作用下密闭管道内动物损伤效应试验研究[J].兵工学报.2018,39(8):1639-1647.(EI收录)
(4)Hai-bin Wang, Wen-jing Shi, etal. Does HF prefer to be attached to X or M of XHHM (X = F, Cl, Br; M = Li, Na, K)system? A B3LYP and MP2 theoretical investigation into cooperativity effect [J]. Indian Journal of hemistry,2016,55:769-781.(SCI收录)
(5)Hai-bin Wang,wen-jing etal. A B3LYP and MP2(full) theoretical investigation into explosive sensitivity upon the formation of the intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interaction between the nitro group of RNO2 (R = -CH3, -NH2, -OCH3) and HF, HCl or HBr ) [J].Computaitional and Theoretical Chemistry, 2012,6(28): 73-80.(SCI收录)
(6)Shi Nan , Wang Hai-Bin etal. Sila-, bora-, thio-, and phosphono-carboxylation of unsaturated compoundswith carbon dioxide: An overview [J]. CO2 Utilization,2021,48:101522(SCI收录)
E-mail : whaibin@nuc.edu.cn