
焦纬洲,男,1981年生,博士,教授,博士生导师,国家重大人才工程青年学者,山西省“青年三晋学者”特聘教授,best365网页版登录beat365中文官方网站教师,主要从事超重力多相流传质与化学反应研究,以超重力技术为依托,重点开展了超重力环境下流体力学与传递过程、气体净化与多相分离、多相快速反应等领域的基础科学问题和关键技术研究,在气体净化、废水处理、乳化技术等方面形成了特色和优势,并取得了一定的创新性研究成果。主持国家自然科学基金3项,山西省优秀青年基金、山西省优秀人才科技创新项目等科研项目18项。在Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research、Chemical Engineering Journal等国内外重要学术期刊公开发表论文160多篇,其中被SCI、EI收录近80篇,授权国家发明专利78件,获国家科技进步二等奖1项(第3)、山西省科技进步二等奖2项(第3、5)、山西省科学技术发明二等奖1项(第2)、《超重力装置》行业标准1项(第2)等。获侯德榜化工科学技术奖、科学中国人(2016)年度人物奖、山西省“三晋英才”支持计划拔尖骨干人才、山西省学术技术带头人、山西省模范教师、山西省科教兴晋突出贡献专家、山西省高等学校优秀青年学术带头、山西省高等学校131领军人才工程等荣誉,山西省优秀博士学位论文获得者;担任中国化工学会化工过程强化专业委员会副秘书长/委员、山西省化学会常务理事、山西省低碳科技发展研究会理事、《Journal of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Research》主编、《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》编委、《含能材料》青年编委等职务。
2003年09月- 2006年06月,best365网页版登录化学工艺专业,硕士
1999年09月- 2003年07月,best365网页版登录化学工程与工艺专业,学士
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[1]W. Jiao*, Y. Liu, G. Qi, Micromixing Efficiency of Viscous Media in Novel Impinging Stream-Rotating Packed Bed Reactor, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 51 (2012) 7113-7118.
[2]W. Jiao*, Y. Qin, S. Luo, Z. He, Z. Feng, Y. Liu, Simultaneous formation of nanoscale zero-valent iron and degradation of nitrobenzene in wastewater in an impinging stream-rotating packed bed reactor, Chemical Engineering Journal, 321 (2017) 564-571.
[3]W. Jiao, Y. Liu, G. Qi, Gas Pressure Drop and Mass Transfer Characteristics in a Cross-flow Rotating Packed Bed with Porous Plate Packing, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 49 (2010) 3732-3740.
[4]W. Jiao, Y. Liu, G. Qi, A new impinging stream-rotating packed bed reactor for improvement of micromixing iodide and iodate, Chemical Engineering Journal, 157 (2010) 168-173.
[5]W. Jiao*, S. Luo, Z. He, Y. Liu, Applications of high gravity technologies for wastewater treatment: A review, Chemical Engineering Journal, 313 (2017) 912-927.
[6]W. Jiao*, S. Luo, Z.He, Y. Liu, Emulsified behaviors for the formation of Methanol-Diesel oil under high gravity environment, Energy, 141 (2017) 2387-2396.
[7]W. Jiao*, Y. Wang, X. Li, C. Xu, Y. Liu, Q. Zhang, Stabilization performance of methanol-diesel emulsified fuel prepared using an impinging stream-rotating packed bed, Renewable Energy, 85 (2016) 573-579.(ESI高被引)
[8]W. Jiao, Y. Liu*, G. Qi, Studies on mechanical properties of epoxy composites filled with the grafted particles PGMA/Al2O3, Composites Science and Technology, 69 (2009) 391-395.
[9] P. Yang, S. Luo, H. Liu,W. Jiao*, Y. Liu, Aqueous ozone decomposition kinetics in a rotating packed bed, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 96 (2019) 11-17.
[10] J. Qiao, S. Luo, P. Yang,W. Jiao*, Y. Liu, Degradation of Nitrobenzene-containing wastewater by ozone/persulfate oxidation process in a rotating packed bed, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 99 (2019) 1-8.
[11]D. Zhang, W. Gao, G. Chang, S. Luo,W. Jiao*, Y. Liu, Removal of heavy metal lead (II) using nanoscale zero-valent iron with different preservation methods, Advanced Powder Technology, 30 (2019) 581-589.
[12] W.Gao, Y. Song,W. Jiao *, Y. Liu. A catalyst-free and highly efficient approach to ozonation of benzyl alcohol to benzoic acid in a rotating packed bed. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 103(2019)1-6.
[13]W. Jiao*, J. Qiao, Y. Qin, Y. Liu, Effects of coexisting substances on aniline degradation with ozone-based advanced oxidation process in high-gravity fields, Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, 138 (2019) 36-40.
[14] P. Yang, S. Luo, D. Zhang, P. Yang, Y. Liu,W. Jiao*, Extraction of nitrobenzene from aqueous solution in impinging stream rotating packed bed, Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, 124 (2018) 255-260.
[15] P. Yang, S. Luo, Y. Liu,W. Jiao*, Degradation of nitrobenzene wastewater in an acidic environment by Ti(IV)/H2O2/O3in a rotating packed bed, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25 (2018) 25060-25070.
[16] Y. Qin, S. Luo, S. Geng,W. Jiao*, Y. Liu, Degradation and mineralization of aniline by O3/Fenton process enhanced using high-gravity technology, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26 (2018) 1444-1450.(Cover Front)
[17]W. Jiao*, Z. Feng, Y. Liu, H. Jiang, Degradation of nitrobenzene-containing wastewater by carbon nanotubes immobilized nanoscale zerovalent iron, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 18 (2016)198.
[18]W. Jiao*, Y. Qin, S. Luo, Z. Feng, Y. Liu, Continuous preparation of nanoscale zero-valent iron using impinging stream-rotating packed bed reactor and their application in reduction of nitrobenzene, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 19 (2017)52.
[19]W. Jiao*, P. Yang, G. Qi, Y. Liu, Selective absorption of H2S with High CO2concentration in mixture in a rotating packed bed, Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, 129 (2018) 142-147.
[20]W. Jiao*, Y. Song, D. Zhang, G. Chang, H. Fan, Y. Liu. Nanoscale zero-valent iron modified with carboxymethyl cellulose in an impinging stream-rotating packed bed for the removal of lead(II). Advanced Powder Technology. 30(2019)2251-2261.
(1)焦纬洲,刘有智,张巧玲,祁贵生,袁志国,高璟,栗秀萍,申红艳,刘文丽.一种高级氧化法处理废水的方法及装置,授权号:ZL 201310083335.X
(2)焦纬洲,刘有智,祁贵生,袁志国,栗秀萍,申红艳,高璟,张巧玲,罗莹,许承骋.一种连续制备甲醇乳化柴油的装置及工艺.授权号:ZL 201410481269.6
(5)焦纬洲,刘有智,袁志国,祁贵生,申红艳,栗秀萍,张巧玲,罗莹,高璟,许承骋.一种连续制备甲醇乳化柴油的单反射超重力装置及工艺.授权号:ZL 201410481269.6
(6)焦纬洲,刘有智,袁志国,祁贵生,张巧玲,栗秀萍,申红艳,高璟,罗莹,俸志荣.恒定通道式旋转填料床传质与反应设备.授权号:ZL 201510610452.6
(7)焦纬洲,刘有智,高璟,栗秀萍,罗莹,申红艳,祁贵生,袁志国,张巧玲,郭亮.一种吹脱-微电解-Fenton氧化法处理含高浓度硝基苯废水的方法及装置.授权号:ZL 201510093435.X
(8)焦纬洲,刘有智,杨鹏飞,祁贵生,袁志国,张巧玲,栗秀萍,申红艳,高璟,罗莹.复合式折流旋转床传质与反应设备.授权号:ZL 201710012625.3
(9)焦纬洲,刘有智,祁贵生,袁志国,张巧玲,高璟,罗莹,申红艳,栗秀萍,俸志荣.复合式多级旋转填料床传质反应装置及其完成的反应方法.授权号:ZL 201610331734.7
(2)第二,超重力装置(JB/T 11244-2012),中华人民共和国工业和信息化部, 2012
[1]第三.化工废气超重力净化技术的研发与工业应用,国家科技进步二等奖, 2011
[3]第三.超重力法选择性脱除二氧化碳尾气中硫化氢应用研究,山西省科技进步二等奖, 2008