1. 个人简介
(1) 超分子化学的合成、组装与性能研究;
(2) 有机改性多金属氧酸盐 (杂多酸) 的合成、表征以及性能的研究。
2. 教育经历
2011.09-2014.06, 南开大学, 高分子化学与物理, 博士,导师:王维
2009.09-2011.06, 南开大学, 高分子化学与物理, 硕士,导师:王维
2004.09-2008.06, 西北大学, 化学, 学士
3. 工作经历
2018.01至今, best365网页版登录, 化学系, 副教授
2014.07至2017.12, best365网页版登录, 化学系, 讲师
4. 代表性科研成果
[1] Haikuan Yang*, Kai Wang, Chen Zhang, Huan Zhang. Two barbituric acidpolyoxometalate hybrids with morphology-tunable supramolecular selfassemblies for the degradation of organic dyes. J Mater Sci 2022, 57: 5410-5425.
[2] Haikuan Yang*, Chen Zhang, Xiangning He, Pinyou Wang. Effects of alkyl chain lengths on 12-hydroxystearic acid derivatives based supramolecular organogels. Colloids Surf. A Physicochem. Eng. Asp. 2021, 616: 126319.
[3] Haikuan Yang*, Keming Yang, Zhengying Zhang. Self-assembly of polyoxometalate-based hybrid molecules into nanoparticles or vesicles regulated by simple experimental manipulation. Colloid Polym Sci 2019, 297: 957-965.
[4] Haikuan Yang*, Xiaomin Wang, Lingling Liu, Hanxu Shi. Design and gelation behaviors of cholesterol-based derivatives as organogelators: An investigation of the correlation between molecular structures and gelation behaviors. New J Chem 2019, 43(8): 3366-3373.