联系方式:Email: hxh@nuc.edu.cn
2006年3月- 2014年3月,大连理工大学,工业催化专业,博士
2003年9月- 2006年1月,大连理工大学,工业催化专业,硕士
2014年5月- 至今,best365网页版登录,讲师
(1) Xinghua Han, Ting Dong, CTAB-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of three-dimensional CuO flower-like architectures, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2018,29: 637-642
(2) Xinghua Han, Hao Bai, Ting Dong, Yanhong Wang, Weizhou Jiao, Simulation of a pilot plant for water deoxygenation using circulatingstripping gas, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2018, 113: 326-334
(3) Xinghua Han, Anjie Wang, Xuesong Wang, Xiang Li, Yao Wang, Yongkang Hu, Catalytic performance of P-modified MoO3/SiO2 in oxidative desulfurization by cumenehydroperoxide, Catalysis Communications, 2013, 42: 6-9
(4) Ting Zhang, Di Zhang, Xinghua Han, et al.Preassembly strategy to fabricate porous hollow carbonitridespheres inlaid with single Cu-N3 sites for selective oxidation ofbenzene to phenol, Journal of the Amenrican Chemical Society, 2018, 140: 16936-16940
(5) Di Zhang, Xinghua Han, Ting Dong, XinwenGuo, Chunshan Song, Zhongkui Zhao, Promoting effect of cyano groups attached on g-C3N4nanosheetstowards molecular oxygen activation for visible light-driven aerobiccoupling of amines to imines, Journal of Catalysis, 2018, 366: 237-244
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(7) 韩兴华,李翔,王安杰*,王瑶,陈永英,胡永康,[BMIM][BF4]离子液体萃取脱除氧化柴油中砜类化合物,石油学报(石油加工),2013,29(6):1062 ~ 1066