2006年9月- 2011年6月,四川大学,原子与分子物理专业硕博连读,博士
2011年6月- 至今,best365网页版登录,教师
(13)Guo Guoqi,Chen Fang*, Li Tianhao, Dong Ling,Wang Jianlong, Cao Duanlin. Multi-aspect and comprehensive atomic insight: the whole process of thermolysis ofHMX/Poly‑NIMMO–based plastic bonded explosive[J]. Journal of Molecular Modeling,2023,29(12): 392.(SCI收录)
(12)Chen Fang*, Zhou Tao, Li Lijie, et al. Morphology prediction of dihydroxylammonium 5,5’-bistetrazole-1,1’-diolate (TKX-50) crystal in different solvent systems using modified attachment energy model[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2023,53, 181-193. (SCI收录)
(11)Chen Fang*, Ren Yuanyuan, He Lei, et al. Molecular dynamics simulation of the interface interaction and mechanical properties of PYX and polymer binder[J]. AIP Advances,2022, 12, 025307.(SCI收录)
(10)He Lei, Chen Fang*, Li Jun, et al. Morphology prediction of 1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocane (HMX) crystal in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solvent with different models using molecular dynamics simulation[J]. Journal of molecular modeling,2021, 27(11), 324.(SCI收录)
(9)Zhou Tao, Chen Fang*, Li Jun, He Lei, Ren Yuanyuan, Wang Xiaolu, Cao Duanlin, Wang Jianlong.Morphology prediction of 5,5′-bistetrazole-1,1′-diolate (BTO) crystal in solvents with different models using molecular dynamics simulation[J]. Journal of Crystal Growth,2020, 548,125843. (SCI收录)
(8)周涛,陈芳*, 李军,曹端林,王建龙. TKX-50在甲酸/水混合溶剂中生长形貌的分子动力学模拟[J]. 含能材料,2020, 28(9): 865-873.(EI收录)
(7)Chen Fang*, Zhou Tao, Wang Mengfei.Spheroidal crystal morphology of RDX in mixed solvent systems predicted by molecular dynamics[J], Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids,2020,136, 109196.(SCI收录)
(6)Chen Fang*, Zhou Tao, Li Jun, Wang Xiaolu, Cao Duanlin, Wang Jianlong, Yang Zejin. Crystal morphology of dihydroxylammonium 5,5'-bistetrazole-1,1 '-diolate (TKX-50) under solvents system with different polarity using molecular dynamics[J], Computational Materials Science, 2019,168,48-57. (SCI收录)
(5)Chen Fang*, Liu Yuanyuan, Wang Jianlong, Su Ningning, Li Lijie, Chen Hongchun. Investigation of the co-solvent effect on the crystal morphology of β-HMX using molecular dynamics simulations[J], Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin.2017, 33 (6), 1140−1148. (SCI收录)
(4)Chen Fang,Cheng Xinlu, A First-Principles Investigation of the Hydrogen Bond Interaction and the Sensitive Characters in cis-1,3,4,6-Tetranitrooctahydroimidazo-[4,5-d] imidazole,International Journal of Quantum Chemistry,2011, 111(15):4457-4464.(SCI收录)
(3)Chen Fang,Zhang Hong,Zhao Feng,Meng Chuanmin,Cheng Xinlu,A first-principles investigation into the hydrogen bond interaction in beta-HMX,Science China Physics Mechanics&Astronomy,2010, 53(6):1080-1085.(SCI收录)
(2)Chen Fang,Zhang Hong,Zhao Feng,Li Qilei,Qu Jianying,A first-principles investigation on the hydrogen bond interaction in DATB,Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM,2008, 864(1–3):89-92.(SCI收录)
(1)Zhang Hong,Chen Fang, Zhao Feng, Meng Chuanmin. Structural and electronic properties of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol(TNP). Journal of Molecular Structure.THEOCHEM,2008,857: 33-37.(SCI收录)
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