杜晓强,男,博士,教授, 博士研究生导师,beat365中文官方网站教师。至今已在《Energy Environ. Sci.》, 《Adv. Fuct. Mater.》, 《Nano Energy》, 《Chem. Commun.》,《 J. Mater. Chem. A》, 《ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.》, 《J. Catal.》, 《CrystEngComm》, 《 Journal of Alloys and Compounds》, 《Chem. Asian J.》, 《Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.》, 《ChemCatChem》, 《Dalton Trans.》和《Int. J. Hydrogen Energy》等SCI学术刊物上发表研究论文100余篇。以第一作者或通讯联系人发表SCI论文90余篇。其中大类一区9篇,大类二区65篇,高被引论文2篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金(21802126),山西省基金面上基金(202203021211094),山西省基金青年基金(201801D221083),山西省高等学校科技创新项目(2019L0508)和best365网页版登录校基金(2017015)各1项;多次受邀参加国内学术会议,并作会议报告。
(1) 纳米功能材料设计、结构调控及电化学(催化、储能、环境等)应用,主要围绕“碳中和”开展研究;
(2) 人工光合作用的化学模拟;
(3) 光催化以及电催化水的氧化和水的还原;
2011/09-2016/06,兰州大学物理化学专业,博士(硕博连读) 导师:丁勇
《物理化学学报》(Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica)青年编委,best365网页版登录学报(自然科学版)编委,山西化学会理事
[1] 国家自然科学基金(青年):仿生多金属氧酸盐的可控合成及新型杂化人工光合系统裂解水机理研究(21802126),主持,结题,24万元
[2] 山西省自然科学基金(面上):用于电解海水制氢的电极材料与器件(202203021211094),主持,在研,9万元
[5] best365网页版登录校基金:含有廉价过渡金属的多金属氧簇光催化水氧化的研究(2017015),主持,结题,3万元
89. Chao Wang, Xiaoqiang Du,*, Xiaoshuang Zhang Controlled synthesis of Fe doped NiCoM (M=O, P, S and Se) as robust electrocatalyst for urea electrolysis Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 928, 167094 SCI 2区 IF:6.371
88. Jiaxin Li, Xiaoqiang Du *, Xiaoshuang Zhang , Zhipeng Wang Fe7Se8@Fe2O3 heterostructure nanosheets as bifunctional electrocatalyst for urea electrolysis Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2022, 47, 35203 SCI 2区 IF:7.139
87. Yanhong Wang, Chenyi Zhang, Xiaoqiang Du * and Xiaoshuang Zhang Transition metal atom M (M = Fe, Co, Cu, Cr) doping and oxygen vacancy modulated M–Ni5P4–NiMOH nanosheets as multifunctional electrocatalysts for efficient overall water splitting and urea electrolysis reaction Dalton Trans., 2022, 51,14937 SCI 2区 IF:4.569
86. Xinyu Li, Xiaoqiang Du* and Xiaoshuang Zhang Electronic modulation of Co2P nanoneedle arrays by the doping of transition metal Cr atoms for a urea oxidation reaction Dalton Trans., 2022, 51,13255 SCI 2区 IF:4.569
85. Jiaxin Li, Lixin Zhang, Xiaoqiang Du* and Xiaoshuang Zhang Co, Mn co-doped Fe9S11@Ni9S8 supported on nickel foam as high efficiency electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction and urea oxidation reaction Dalton Trans., 2022, 51,10249 SCI 2区 IF:4.569
84. Wei Wen, Xiaoqiang Du, Xiaoshuang Zhang Controlled synthesis of M doped N-Ni3S2 (M = Cu, Fe, Co and Ce) on Ni foam as efficient electrocatalyst for urea oxidation reaction and oxygen evolution reaction Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 918, 165739 SCI 2区 IF:6.371
83. Xiaoqiang Du*, QirunWang, Xiaoshuang Zhang, Zhipeng Wang Swapping catalytic active sites from cationic Ni to anionic F in Fe–F–Ni3S2 enables more efficient alkaline oxygen evolution reaction and urea oxidation reaction Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2022, 47, 25595 SCI 2区 IF:7.139
82. Jianfeng Fan and Xiaoqiang Du* Role of Ce in the enhanced performance of the water oxidation reaction and urea oxidation reaction for NiFe layered double hydroxides Dalton Trans., 2022, 51,8240 SCI 2区 IF:4.569
81. Nannan Chen, Xiaoqiang Du* and Xiaoshuang Zhang Controlled synthesis of MnS/ZnS hybrid material with different morphology as efficient water and urea electrolysis catalyst Renewable Energy 2022,193, 715-724. SCI 2区 IF:8.634
80. Zhixin Dai, Xiaoqiang Du* and Xiaoshuang Zhang Controlled synthesis of NiCo2O4@Ni-MOF on Ni foam as efficient electrocatalyst for urea oxidation reaction and oxygen evolution reaction Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2022,47, 17252-17262. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
79. Yangyang Ding, Xiaoqiang Du*, Xiaoshuang Zhang Rose-like Cu-doped Ni3S2 nanoflowers decorated with thin NiFe LDH nanosheets for high-efficiency overall water and urea electrolysis Applied Surface Science 2022,584,152622 SCI 2区 IF:7.392
78. Jiaxin Li, Hongyi Cui, Xiaoqiang Du* and Xiaoshuang Zhang The controlled synthesis of nitrogen and iron codoped Ni3S2@NiP2 heterostructures for the oxygen evolution reaction and urea oxidation reaction Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 2444–2451 SCI 2区 IF:4.569
77. Xiaoqiang Du,* Jiaxin Li and Xiaoshuang Zhang Fe and Cu dual-doped Ni3S4 nanoarrays with less low-valence Ni species for boosting water oxidation reaction Dalton Trans., 2022, 51,1594 SCI 2区 IF:4.569
76. Xiaoqiang Du*, Zhixin Dai, Yanhong Wang, Xinghua Han, Xiaoshuang Zhang Facile synthesis of MWO4 (M=Co, Ni, Zn and Cu) nanoarrays for efficient urea oxidation Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2022,47, 8875-8882. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
75. Xiaoqiang Du*, Jiaxin Li, Kaicheng Tong, Xiaoshuang Zhang Fe−Co−S−Se-O nanoarrays for ultrahigh specific capacitance asymmetric supercapacitors Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 899, 163359 SCI 2区 IF:6.371
74. Xiaoqiang Du*, Guangyu Ma and Xiaoshuang Zhang Boosting alkaline water splitting and urea electrolysis kinetic process of Co3O4 nanosheet by electronic structure modulation of F, P co-doping Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 4909 SCI 2区 IF:4.569
73. Chenyi Zhang, Xiaoqiang Du* and Xiaoshuang Zhang Controlled synthesis of three-dimensional branched Mo-NiCoP@NiCoP/NiXCoYH2PO2 core/shell nanorod heterostructures for high-performance water and urea electrolysis Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2022, 47, 10825-10836 SCI 2区 IF:7.139
72. Xiaoqiang Du*, Yangyang Ding and Xiaoshuang Zhang MOF-derived Zn-Co-Ni sulfides with hollow nanosword arrays for high-efficiency overall water and urea electrolysis Green Energy & Environment SCI 1区 IF:12.781
71. Chenyi Zhang, Xiaoqiang Du* and Xiaoshuang Zhang Controlled synthesis of NixP-Co2P hybrid materials as robust overall water splitting electrocatalyst Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2022,47, 14515-14527. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
70. Yanhong Wang, Nannan Chen, Xiaoqiang Du*, Xinghua Han , Xiaoshuang Zhang Transition metal atoms M (M = Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn) doped nickel-cobalt sulfides on the Ni foam for efficient oxygen evolution reaction and urea oxidation reaction Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 893, 162269 SCI 2区 IF:6.371
69. Pengxin Che, Yanhong Wang,Xiaoshuang Zhang, Xiaoqiang Du* The bimetal synergistic bifunctional electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution and oxygen evolution reactions Ionics 2021, 27,2139–2150. SCI 3区 IF:2.961
68. Yanhong Wang, Nannan Chen, Xiaoqiang Du*, Xiaoshuang Zhang Hierarchical sulfide nanoarrays as an efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting Ionics 2021, 27,2591–2602. SCI 3区 IF:2.961
67. Chenyi Zhang, Xiaoqiang Du*, Yanhong Wang, Xinghua Han, Xiaoshuang Zhang NiSe2@NixSy nanorod on nickel foam as efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2021,46, 34713-34726. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
66. Zhixin Dai, Xiaoqiang Du,* Yanhong Wang, Xinghua Han and Xiaoshuang Zhang Promoting urea oxidation and water oxidation through interface construction on a CeO2@CoFe2O4 heterostructure Dalton Trans., 2021, 50,12301 SCI 2区 IF:4.569
65. Xiaoqiang Du,* Zhixin Dai, Yanhong Wang, Xinghua Han and Xiaoshuang Zhang Controlled synthesis of P-Co3O4@NiCo-LDH/NF nanoarrays as binder-free electrodes for water splitting Dalton Trans., 2021, 50, 10880 SCI 2区 IF:4.569
64. Xiaoqiang Du,* Guangyu Ma, Yanhong Wang, Xinghua Han and Xiaoshuang Zhang Controllable synthesis of Ni3S2@MOOH/NF (M = Fe, Ni, Cu, Mn and Co) hybrid structure for the efficient hydrogen evolution reaction Dalton Trans., 2021, 50,14001 SCI 2区 IF:4.569
63.Guangyu Ma, Xiaoqiang Du,* and Xiaoshuang Zhang Flower-like Fe-Co-M (M=S, O, P and Se) Nanosheet Arrays Grown on Nickel Foam as High-efficiency Bifunctional Electrocatalysts Chem. Asian J. 2021, 16, 959–965 SCI 3区 IF:4.839
62. Nannan Chen, Yanhong Wang, Xiaoqiang Du *, Xiaoshuang Zhang Facile synthesis of Ni doped CoWO4 nanoarrays grown on nickel foam substrates for efficient urea oxidation Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2021,46, 25114-25120. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
61. Nannan Chen, Yanhong Wang, Xiaoqiang Du *, Xiaoshuang Zhang Facile fabrication of flower-like CuS/MnCO3 microspheres clusters on nickel foam as an efficient bifunctional catalyst for overall water splitting Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2021,46, 19948-19961. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
60. Xiaoqiang Du,*, Chenyi Zhang, Haibin Wang, Yanhong Wang, Xiaoshuang Zhang Controlled synthesis of Co9S8@NiCo2O4 nanorod arrays as binder-free electrodes for water splitting with impressive performance Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 885, 160972 SCI 2区 IF:6.371
59. Xiaoqiang Du, * Guangyu Ma and Xiaoshuang Zhang Cobalt and nitrogen co-doped Ni3S2 nanoflowers on nickel foam as high-efficiency electrocatalysts for overall water splitting in alkaline media Dalton Trans., 2021, 50, 8955 SCI 2区 IF:4.569
58. Xiaoqiang Du, * Jiaxin Li, Kaicheng Tong and Xiaoshuang Zhang Coupling Co2P/CoSe2 heterostructure nanoarrays for boosting overall water splitting Dalton Trans., 2021, 50, 6650 SCI 2区 IF:4.569
57. Xiaoqiang Du*, Yangyang Ding, Xiaoshuang Zhang Selectively Se-doped Co3O4@CeO2 nanoparticle-dotted nanoneedle arrays for high-efficiency overall water splitting Applied Surface Science 2021, 562, 150227 SCI 2区 IF:7.392
56. Yangyang Ding, Xiaoqiang Du*, Xiaoshuang Zhang Cu-doped Ni3S2 Interlaced Nanosheet Arrays as Highefficiency Electrocatalyst Boosting the Alkaline Hydrogen Evolution ChemCatChem 2021, 13, 1824–1833 SCI 2区 IF:5.497
55. Yangyang Ding, Xiaoqiang Du*, Xiaoshuang Zhang Controlled synthesis and high performance of Zn–Ni–Co–M (M = O, S, P and Se) nanoneedle arrays as an advanced electrode for overall water splitting Applied Surface Science 2021, 543, 148818 SCI 2区 IF:7.392
54. Guangyu Ma, Xiaoqiang Du*, Xiaoshuang Zhang Selective sulfuration, phosphorization and selenylation: A universal strategy toward Co-Ni-M@CeO2/NF (M = O, S, P and Se) interface engineering for efficient water splitting electrocatalysis Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 864, 158486 SCI 2区 IF:6.371
53. Nannan Chen, Yanhong Wang, Xiaoqiang Du * and Xiaoshuang Zhang Controllable synthesis of Cu–Ni–M (M = S, P and Se) hybrid nanoarrays for efficient water splitting reaction Dalton Trans., 2021, 50, 2964 SCI 2区 IF:4.569
52. Xiaoshuang Zhang and Xiaoqiang Du* Oxygen vacancies confined in nickel oxide nanoprism arrays for promoted electrocatalytic water splitting New J. Chem., 2020, 44, 1703. SCI 3区 IF:3.925
51. Xiaoshuang Zhang *, Hui Sub and Xiaoqiang Du* A nickel molybdenum oxide nanoarray as an efficient and stable electrocatalyst for overall water splitting New J. Chem., 2020, 44, 8176. SCI 3区 IF:3.925
50. Yanhong Wang, Pengxin Che, Xiaoqiang Du*, Xiaoshuang Zhang Three-dimensional Co3O4@NiCo2O4 nanoarrays with different morphologies as electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2020,45, 28598-28606. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
49. Guangyu Ma, Xiaoqiang Du*, Xiaoshuang Zhang Facile synthesis of molybdenum-based layered double hydroxide nanorods for boosting water oxidation reaction Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2020,45, 33641-33647. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
48. Qiong Fu and Xiaoqiang Du* Superior Water Oxidation Performance over CoMoO4 with High Stability: Synergistic Effect of Oxygen Vacancies and Morphology ChemistrySelect 2020, 5, 13305– 13308 SCI 4区 IF:2.307
47. Xiaoshuang Zhang **, Nannan Chen, Yanhong Wang, Guangping Wu, Xiaoqiang Du,* Self-supported multidimensional Ni-Fe phosphide networks as novel and robust water splitting catalyst Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2020,45, 22921-22928. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
46. Xiaoshuang Zhang **, Yangyang Ding, Guangping Wu, Xiaoqiang Du,* CoSe2@NiSe2 nanoarray as better and efficient electrocatalyst for overall water splitting Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2020,45, 30611-30621. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
45.Guangyu Ma, Xiaoqiang Du * and Xiaoshuang Zhang Controlled phosphating: a novel strategy toward NiP3@CeO2 interface engineering for efficient oxygen evolution electrocatalysis Dalton Trans., 2020, 49,12581 SCI 2区 IF:4.569
44. Yangyang Ding, Xiaoqiang Du * and Xiaoshuang Zhang Controllable synthesis of CoFeMo layered double hydroxide nanoarrays for promoting the oxygen evolution reaction Dalton Trans., 2020, 49,15417 SCI 2区 :4.569
43.Xiaoqiang Du,* Jianpeng Fu and Xiaoshuang Zhang Controlled Synthesis of Cr-Co0.85Se Nanoarrays for Water Splitting at an Ultralow Cell Voltage of 1.43 V Chem. Asian J. 2020, 15, 1110-1117 SCI 3区 IF:4.839
42. Xiaoqiang Du,* Yangyang Ding, Hui Su and Xiaoshuang Zhang Effect of cation substitution on the water splitting performance of spinel cobaltite MCo2S4 (M = Ni, Cu and Co) Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2020,45, 12012-12025. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
41. Xiaoqiang Du,* Hui Su and Xiaoshuang Zhang Metal-organic framework-derived M (M = Fe, Ni, Zn and Mo) doped Co9S8 nanoarrays as efficient electrocatalyst for water splitting: The combination of theoretical calculation and experiment J. Catal. 2020, 383,103–116 SCI 1区 IF:8.047 ESI高被引论文
40. Xiaoqiang Du,* Hui Su and Xiaoshuang Zhang Cr doped-Co9S8 nanoarrays as high-efficiency electrocatalysts for water splitting Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 824, 153965 SCI 2区 IF:6.371
39. Bin Hou, Jianpeng Fu, Hui Su, and Xiaoqiang Du* Preparation of 3D nanostructured MnCo2S4 as a robust electrocatalyst for overall water splitting ChemistrySelect 2019, 4, 4499 –4505 SCI 4区 IF:2.307
38. Hui Su, Xiaoqiang Du*, Xiaoshuang Zhang NiCoP coated on NiCo2S4 nanoarrays as electrode materials for hydrogen evolution reaction Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2019,44, 30910-30916. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
37. Ying Li, Hui Su, Jianpeng Fu, Xiaoqiang Du* The 3D ultra-thin Cu1-xNixS/NF nanosheet as a highly efficient and stable electrocatalyst for overall water splitting Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2019,44, 11744-11753. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
36. Xiaoqiang Du,* and Xiaoshuang Zhang Dual-functional Co3O4@Co2P4O12 nanoneedles supported on nickel foams with enhanced electrochemical performance and excellent stability for overall urea splitting Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2019,45, 24705-24711. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
35. Xiaoqiang Du,* Jianpeng Fu and Xiaoshuang Zhang Controlled Synthesis of CuCo2S4@Ni(OH)(2) Hybrid Nanorod Arrays for Water Splitting at an Ultralow Cell Voltage of 1.47 V Chem. Asian J. 2019, 19, 3386-3396 SCI 3区 IF:4.839
34. Xiaoqiang Du,* Guangyu Ma and Xiaoshuang Zhang* Experimental and Theoretical Understanding on Electrochemical Activation Processes of Nickel Selenide for Excellent Water-Splitting Performance: Comparing the Electrochemical Performances with M−NiSe (M = Co, Cu, and V) ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 19257−19267 SCI 1区 IF:9.224
33. Xiaoqiang Du *, Chenrong Huang, Xiaoshuang Zhang, Water splitting catalysis beginning with FeCo2S4@Ni(OH)2: Investigation of the true catalyst with favorable stability Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2019, 44, 31902. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
32. Xiaoqiang Du,* Jianpeng Fu and Xiaoshuang Zhang Construction of a MnCo2O4@NiyMx (S and P) crosslinked network for efficient electrocatalytic water splitting CrystEngComm, 2019, 21, 7293 SCI 2区 IF:3.756
31. Xiaoqiang Du,* Hui Su and Xiaoshuang Zhang Metal−Organic Framework-Derived Cu-Doped Co9S8 Nanorod Array with Less Low-Valence Co Sites as Highly Efficient Bifunctional Electrodes for Overall Water Splitting ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2019, 7, 16917−16926 SCI 1区 IF:9.224
30. Xiaoqiang Du*, Guangyu Ma, Xiaoshuang Zhang, Mo-doped Co9S8 nanorod array as a high performance electrochemical water splitting catalyst in alkaline solution Int. J. Hydrogen Energy.2019,44,27765-27771. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
29. Xiaoqiang Du*, Qizhao Shao, Xiaoshuang Zhang, Metal tungstate dominated NiCo2O4@NiWO4 nanorods arrays as an efficient electrocatalyst for water splitting Int. J. Hydrogen Energy.2019,44,2883-2888. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
28. Xiaoqiang Du*, Qizhao Shao, and Xiaoshuang Zhang*, Cu–Co–M arrays on Ni foam as monolithic structured catalysts for water splitting: effects of co-doped S-P Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 1322-1331. SCI 2区 :4.569
27. Xiaoqiang Du *, Chenrong Huang, Xiaoshuang Zhang*, Co3O4 arrays with tailored morphology as robust water oxidation and urea splitting catalyst Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019,809,151821 SCI 2区 :6.371
26. Xiaoqiang Du*, Guangyu Ma, Xiaoshuang Zhang, Oxygen vacancy-confined CoMoO4@CoNiO2 nanorod arrays for oxygen evolution with improved performance Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 10116-10121. SCI 2区 :
25. Xiaoqiang Du,* Hui Su and Xiaoshuang Zhang 3D MnCo2O4@CoS nanoarrays with different morphologies as an electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction Int. J. Hydrogen Energy.2019, 44, 21637-21650.区 :7.139
24. Xiaoqiang Du *, Chenrong Huang, Xiaoshuang Zhang,Synthesis of CoMoO4/Co9S8 network arrays on nickel foam as efficient urea oxidation and hydrogen evolution catalyst Int. J. Hydrogen Energy.2019, 44, 19595-19602.区 :7.139
23. Xiaoqiang Du *, Chenrong Huang, Xiaoshuang Zhang,Surface modification of a Co9S8 nanorods with Ni(OH)2 on nickel foam for high water splitting performance Int. J. Hydrogen Energy.2019, 44, 19953-19966.区 :7.139
22. Xiaoqiang Du *, Pengxin Che, Yanhong Wang*, Changchun Yuan,*, Xiaoshuang Zhang Ni3S2@Co(OH)2 heterostructures grown on Ni foam as an efficient electrocatalyst for water oxidation Int. J. Hydrogen Energy.2019, 44, 22955-22961.区 :7.139
21. Fengwei Zhang*, Chunlan Ma, Yu Zhang, Huan Li, Dongying Fu, Xiaoqiang Du*, Xian-Ming Zhang* N-doped mesoporous carbon embedded Co nanoparticles for highly efficient and stable H2 generation from hydrolysis of ammonia borane Journal of Power Sources 2018,399 ,89–97 SCI 1区 IF:9.794
20. Xiaoqiang Du*, Zhi Yang, Yu Li, Yaqiong Gong and Min Zhao, Controlled synthesis of Ni(OH)2/Ni3S2 hybrid nanosheet arrays as highly active and stable electrocatalysts for water splitting. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 6938–6946. SCI 1区 IF:14.511 ESI高被引论文
19. Yaqiong Gong, Zhoufeng Xu, Hailong Pan, Yu Lin, Zhi Yang and Xiaoqiang Du*, Hierarchical Ni3S2 nanosheets coated on Co3O4 nanoneedle arrays on 3D nickel foam as an efficient electrocatalyst for the oxygen evolution reaction. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 5098-5106. SCI 1区 IF:14.511
18. Xiaoqiang Du*, Xiaoshuang Zhang, Zhi Yang, and Yaqiong Gong, Water Oxidation Catalysis Beginning with CuCo2S4: Investigation of the True Electrochemically Driven Catalyst. Chem. Asian J. 2018, 13, 266 . SCI 3区 IF:4.839
17. Xiaoqiang Du*, Xiaoshuang Zhang, Zhoufeng Xu, Zhi Yang, Yaqiong Gong, CuCo2O4 microflowers catalyst with oxygen evolution activity comparable to that of noble metal. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy.2018,43,5012. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
16. Xiaoqiang Du*, Hailong Pan and Zhi Yang, In situ grown Co3O4/Co(OH)2 hybrids as efficient electrocatalysts for water oxidation. New J. Chem., 2018, 42, 4215. SCI 3区 IF:3.925
15. Xiaoqiang Du*, Qibin Wang, Yu Li and Xiaoshuang Zhang, Oxide/sulfide-based hybrid arrays as robust electrocatalysts for water splitting Dalton Trans., 2018, 47, 10273. SCI 2区 IF:4.569
14. Xiaoqiang Du*, Nai Li, and Xiaoshuang Zhang, Controlled synthesis of Co3O4@NiMoO4 core-shell nanorods arrays for efficient water splitting Dalton Trans., 2018, 47, 12071. SCI 2区 :4.569
13. Xiaoqiang Du*, Xiaoshuang Zhang, Yu Li, Min Zhao Construction of unique NiCo2S4@Ni3V2O8 hierarchical heterostructures arrays on Ni foam as an efficient electrocatalyst with high stability for water oxidation Int. J. Hydrogen Energy.2018,43,19955.区 :7.139
12. Xiaoqiang Du*, Wenzhen Lian, Xiaoshuang Zhang Homogeneous coreeshell NiCo2S4 nanorods as flexible electrode for overall water splitting Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2018,43,20627.区 :7.139
11. Xiaoqiang Du,* Qibin Wang and Xiaoshuang Zhang Controllable synthesis of NiO/Ni3S2 hybrid arrays as efficient electrocatalysts for water splitting New J. Chem., 2018, 42, 18201. 区 :925
10. Xiaoqiang Du,* Hui Su and Xiaoshuang Zhang 3D hierarchical Co3O4@Co3S4 nanoarrays as anode and cathode materials for oxygen evolution reaction and hydrogen evolution reaction Dalton Trans., 2018, 47, 16305. SCI 2区 :4.569
9. Xiaoqiang Du,* Jianpeng Fu and Xiaoshuang Zhang NiCo2O4@NiMoO4 Supported on Nickel Foam for Electrocatalytic Water Splitting ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 5533–554 SCI 2区 :5.497
8.Xiaoqiang Du*, Jingwei Huang and Yong Ding, The mechanism change by switching the reactants from water to hydroxyl ions for electrocatalytic water oxidation: a case study of copper oxide microspheres. Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 7327. SCI 2区 IF:4.569
7. Xiaoqiang Du *, Xu Zhoufeng, Gong Yaqiong, Ding Yong, Polyoxometalate-based catalysts for photocatalytic, chemical catalytic and electrocatalytic water oxidation. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2017, 42, 24169. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
6.Xiaoqiang Du, Jingwei Huang, Yingying Feng and Yong Ding*, Flower-like 3D CuO microsphere acting as photocatalytic water oxidation catalyst. Chin. J. Catal. 2016, 37,123 SCI 1区 IF:12.92
5.Xiaoqiang Du, Jinli Zhao, Jiaqi Mi, Yong Ding*, Panpan Zhou, Baochun Ma, Junwei Zhao, Jie Song. Efficient photocatalytic H2 evolution catalyzed by an unprecedented robust molecular semiconductor {Fe11} nanocluste without cocatalysts at neutral conditions. Nano Energy 2015, 16, 247–255. SCI 1区 IF:19.069
4. Xiaoqiang Du, Yong Ding*, Fangyuan Song, Baochun Ma, Junwei Zhao, Jie Song. Efficient photocatalytic water oxidation catalyzed by polyoxometalate [Fe11(H2O)14(OH)2(W3O10)2(a-SbW9O33)6]27- based on abundant metals. Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 13925—13928. SCI 2区 IF:6.065
3. Xiaoqiang Du, Yong Ding*, Rui Xiang and Xu Xiang Ferromagnetic nanocrystallines containing copper as an efficient catalyst for photoinduced water oxidation. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 10648—10655. SCI 2区 IF:3.945
2. Xiaoqiang Du, Yong Ding*, and Chengqiang Li Morphology-Controlled Self-Assembly and Nanostructured NiO: An Efficient and Robust Photocatalytic Water Oxidation Catalyst. ChemCatChem 2015, 7,2370 –2376. SCI 2区 IF:5.497
1. Xiaoqiang Du, Jie Wei, Jinli Zhao, Ruixin Han and Yong Ding* Efficient Noble-Metal-Free g-Fe2O3@NiO Core–Shell Nanostructured Photocatalysts for Water Oxidation. Chem. Asian J. 2014, 9, 2745 – 2750. SCI 3区 IF:4.839
1. Fangyuan Song, Yong Ding,* Baochun Ma,* Changming Wang,a Qiang Wang, Xiaoqiang Du, Shao Fu and Jie Song* K7[CoIIICoII(H2O)W11O39]: a molecular mixed-valence Keggin polyoxometalate catalyst of high stability and efficiency for visible light-driven water oxidation Energy Environ. Sci., 2013, 6, 1170 SCI 1区 IF:39.714
2. Yukun Zhao, Yongdong Liu, Xiaoqiang Du, Ruixin Han and Yong Ding* Hexagonal assembly of Co3V2O8 nanoparticles acting as an efficient catalyst for visible light-driven water oxidation J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 19308 SCI 1区 IF:14.511
3. Jie Wei, Yan Liu, Yong Ding,* Chao Luo, Xiaoqiang Du and Junqi Lin MnO2 spontaneously coated on carbon nanotubes for enhanced water oxidation Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 11938 SCI 2区 IF:6.065
4. Jinli Zhao, Yong Ding*, Jie Wei, Xiaoqiang Du, Yongze Yu, Ruixin Han A molecular Keggin polyoxometalate catalyst with high efficiency for visible-light driven hydrogen evolution Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 2014, 39, 18908-18918. SCI 2区 IF:7.139
5. Li Yu, Xiaoqiang Du, Yong Ding,* Hongli Chen and Panpan Zhou Efficient visible light-driven water oxidation catalyzed by an all-inorganic copper-containing polyoxometalate Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 17443 SCI 2区 IF:6.065
6. Jingwei Huang, Xiaoqiang Du, YingYing Feng, Yukun Zhao and Yong Ding* New insights into water oxidation reactions from photocatalysis, electrocatalysis to chemical catalysis: an example of iron-based oxides doped with foreign elements Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 2016, 18, 9918 SCI 2区 IF:3.945
7. Yongdong Liu, Rui Xiang, Xiaoqiang Du, Yong Ding* and Baochun Ma* An efficient oxygen evolving catalyst based on a μ-O diiron coordination complex Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 12779 SCI 2区 IF:6.065
8. Shao Fu, Yongdong Liu, Yong Ding,* Xiaoqiang Du, Fangyuan Song, Rui Xiang and Baochun Ma A mononuclear cobalt complex with an organic ligand acting as a precatalyst for efficient visible light-driven water oxidation Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 2167 SCI 2区 IF:6.065
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