朱海林,女,1982年生,博士,教授,博士生导师,中国腐蚀与防护学会缓蚀剂与水处理专业委员会委员,山西省检验检测学会理事会理事,《中国腐蚀与防护学报》青年编委。主要从事功能性表面活性剂的开发以及具表面活性金属缓蚀剂的开发研究。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,山西省面上项目1项,山西省面上青年研究基金项目1项,北化集团青年基金项目1项,横向课题多项;发表相关学术论文三十余篇,其中SCI收录十余篇;授权发明专利15项;担任Journal of cleaner production, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Science of the Total Environment, Journal of molecular liquids, Journal of oleo science, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents等期刊审稿人。
2010年9月-2014年6月, 中北大学应用化学专业,博士
2003年9月-2006年6月, 郑州大学化学工艺专业,硕士
1999年9月-2003年6月, 郑州大学化学工程与工艺专业,学士
2006年7月- 至今,best365网页版登录,教授
[1] 基于分子内官能团耦合碳钢缓蚀杀菌剂的分子设计与作用机理研究,山西省面上项目,主持,2022.01-2024.12
[2] 表面活性与杂环结构对金属缓蚀的协同作用机制,国家自然科学基金,主持,2018.1-2020.12
[3] 具表面活性金属缓蚀剂的定量构效关系研究与分子设计,山西省青年基金,主持,2018.12-2020.12
[4] 2,5-二甲酚合成2,3,6-三甲酚工艺研究,北化集团青年基金,主持,2015.6-2018.9
[5] 酯基双子表面活性剂的合成及在水处理中的应用,best365网页版登录科学研究基金,2013.12-2015.12
[6] XX分析计算,中国兵器装备研究院,主持,2020.10-2021.12
参编第10章,《Eco-friendly corrosion inhibitors: principle, designing and applications》, Elsevier publications (ISBN: 978-0-323-91176-4 ), 2022
[1] Hailin Zhu*, Jianhua Liu, Xiaomeng Lu, et.al.. Wettability and anticorrosion behavior of organic-inorganic hybrid superhydrophobic epoxy coatings containing triazine corrosion inhibitor loaded in mesoporous molecular sieve, journal of the Taiwa Institute of chemical engineers, 2022, 141:104604
[2] Hailin Zhu*, Xiaofen Li, Xiaomeng Lu, Xiaojie Chen, Jun Li, Xinghua Han, Xuemei Ma, Zhiyong Hu. Intra-/inter-molecular synergistic inhibition effect of sulfonate surfactant and 2-benzothiazolethiol on carbon steel corrosion in 3.5% NaCl solution. Corrosion Science, 2021, 182: 109291
[3] Hailin Zhu *, Xiaofen Li, Xiaomeng Lu, et. al.. Efficiency of Gemini surfactant containing semi-rigid spacer as microbial corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel in simulated seawater. Bioelectrochemistry, 2021, 140: 107809
[4] Hai-lin Zhu*, Xiaojie Chen, Xiaofen Li, Jingbao wang, Zhiyong Hu, Xuemei Ma. 2-aminobenzimidazole derivative with surface activity as corrosion inhibitor of carbon steel in HCl: Experimental and theoretical study. Journal of molecular liquids, 2020, 297: 111720
[5] Zhi-yong Hu, Hai-lin Zhu*, Jian-long Wang, Duan-lin Cao. Synthesis, surface and antimicrobial activities of cationic gemini surfactants with semi-rigid spacers. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2016, 19: 265
[6] Hai-lin Zhu*, Zhi-yong Hu, Liang Dong, Jian-long Wang, Duan-lin Cao.Aggregation of diester-bonded cationic gemini surfactants in the presence of ethylene glycol: An electrical conductivity study. Journal of molecular liquids, 2016,216: 565
[7] Hai-lin Zhu*, Zhi-yong Hu, Jian-long Wang, Duan-lin Cao. Synthesis and Properties of Alkyl Dibenzyl Ether Quaternary Ammonium Gemini Surfactant. Tenside Surfactants Detergents. 2015, 52(2):163
[8] Hai-lin Zhu*, Zhi-yong Hu, Xue-mei Ma, Jian-long Wang, Duan-lin Cao.Surface Activities of Three Anionic Gemini Surfactants Derived from Cyanuric Chloride: Effect of a Branched Hydrophobic Chain. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2016, 19: 487
[9] Hai-lin Zhu*, Zhi-yong Hu, Jian-long Wang, Duan-lin Cao. Thermodynamic Properties of Sulfobetaine-Type Surfactants. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2014, 17(2): 303
[10] Hai-lin Zhu*, Zhi-yong Hu, Jian-long Wang, Duan-lin Cao. Micellization of gemini surfactants with dibenzyl ether spacer in water-organic mixed media. Journal of molecular liquids, 2014, 195(7): 54-58
[1] 朱海林等,一种基于pH响应的自修复材料, ZL202210894575.7, 2023.04.14, 已授权
[2] 朱海林等,一种在碳钢表面形成有机-无机杂化超疏水防腐涂层的方法, ZL202111345059.0, 2022.06.07, 已授权
[3] 朱海林等,一种复配型碳钢酸洗缓蚀剂及其应用, ZL201910735539.4, 2021.03.16, 已授权
[4] 朱海林等,一种含杂环三嗪基季铵盐及其制备和应用, ZL202110955564.0, 2023.06.02, 已授权
[5] 朱海林等,用于2,5-二甲酚合成2,3,6-三甲基苯酚的催化剂及其制备方法, ZL201610992155.7, 2019.05.31, 已授权
[6] 朱海林等,一种连接基含双酯基的双季铵盐及其作为杀菌剂的应用, ZL201510311895.5, 2017.11.07, 已授权
[7] 朱海林等,一种具表面活性的缓蚀剂及其制备方法和应用, ZL201910962239.X, 2023.04.07, 已授权
[8] 朱海林等,一种向日葵盘缓蚀剂提取液及其制备金属酸洗溶液的方法, ZL201610466650.4, 2019.1.25, 已授权
[9] 朱海林等,一种制备碳钢盐酸酸洗缓蚀剂的方法, ZL201610767000.3, 2019.3.26, 已授权
[10] 朱海林等,一种噻唑类碳钢酸洗缓蚀剂的制备方法, ZL201610031658.8, 2018.3.27, 已授权